Monday, April 30

Task 2!

Hello audience!

The designers were given their 2nd task yesterday! Due to a technical difficulty the video wasn't uploaded, but I won't allow that to put the competition on hold.

For task 2 the designers were asked to design a prom dress. Prom night is one of the most important nights for an American teenager. The most important part of this night is looking great! What you're wear must be a showstopper and when you wall into that room with your peers you want to be seen!

The contestants this week are required to:

Design a prom dress
Have an understanding of what prom is.(If they aren't aware already.)
Submit their work in color

Good luck everyone!

All should be submitted by: MAY 5

Saturday, April 28

Stardoll's Fashion Star: Elimination One!

Task 2 will be post within the next day!

Monday, April 16

Vote for best and worst now!

Hello everyone! The designers are done designing their signature piece look and it's time for you all to vote!

The polls will be held on Stardoll's Fashion Star Exclusive blog(click here) and you will be able to vote for the best and worst designer of the week! You'll have until this Thursday to do so, and at that time the blog will be private again. That being said you should zoom over there right now and vote!

Also, what song should we feature in our elimination video? Post in the comments! xoxo

Wednesday, April 11

Task 1

The competition has finally begun! I've been asked dozens upon dozens of times when the competition is going to begin, and that time is now. Designer you have until April 15 to complete and submit your task, but it would be very appreciated if it was done sooner. Good luck designers, and keep in mind all the current spring trends.

Audience, on April 15th you all will be able to vote for your favorite designs and that designer with the most votes will be the winning designer of the week. Being the designer of the week save you from elimination.

Speaking of elimination, the next video will be a elimination video. One designer will be eliminated and the of the winning design of the week will be presented to you all! It will also be made into a graphic by one of our graphic designers.

Until next time, bye!

P.S. All Designers, Judges/ Mentors, and Retail Consultant/ Buyers contact me to add you to the SFS Exclusive blog.

Monday, April 9

Meet Our Judges, Retail Consultants, and Designers!

Hello, welcome again to Stardoll's Fashion Star! In this video I'll be revealing all the contestants, retail consultants, and celebrity judges!

I didn't mention this in the video, but if you're still hoping to be a designer you may still apply. I'll only be choosing two people and you must submit within the next 2 days.
Sample of your work-(please scan and upload some of your previous work)

I'm also looking for more graphic designers to design the set of Stardoll's Fashion Star! You'll also be given a free commercial(if you want). Sign up!

Graphic Designer
Sample of your work-

Thursday, April 5

New Logo and Banner!

So we've got a new logo! Help advertise our competition by placing this on your blog! Thanks to Lollypopsa, one of our graphic designers who made the banner and the logo!

Also, we still need more applications, don't forget to apply!

Wednesday, April 4

Just to clarify!

So I've received a few applications from hopeful designers via dollmail, comments section, and skype these pass two days and I've notice a few of you misunderstood the directions. Firstly you must have a blogger account to compete(if you have a gmail, all you do is log on with you gmail email and password). You must follow this blog to compete. Lastly and the most important thing, do not submit your wig designs, t-shirt stardesigns, etc. When I mentioned submit your work, I meant your fashion sketches like such:

(I just choose something randomly out of my sketch book as an example)

I hope this clears everything up for you hopeful Design Star!

If you'd still like to apply to be a fashion designer, retail consultant, media partner, or graphic designer for the blog, apply!

Monday, April 2

Apply Now!


Sample of you work- (Please scan some of your previous work)

Retail Consultants

Since this position is arguably one of the most important, why do you feel you're suitable for it?

Graphic Designer

Please attach sample of your work.

Media Partner
Please attach blog URL and Logo.

Welcome to Stardoll's Fashion Star!

Welcome to Stardoll’s Fashion Star, where 15 designers will compete to win the title of Stardoll’s Fashion Star. Along with this title, the winner will win 1000sd, blog interviews, and many more. There will be a task given weekly to all the designers to sketch an outfit following the latest trends and that could be seen in all stores around Stardoll. The winning design of the week will go from a fabulous sketch on paper, to a legit graphic by our graphic designer (click to apply!). This competition was inspired by the newest design show in the United States titled Fashion Star which premieres every Tuesday night at 11pm est on NBC. Each designer will create a design that three retail buyers(People pretending to be retail buyers for numerous stores on Stardoll), 3 stardoll celebrities judges/mentors and you, the audience will also take part in choosing the winner of the week.

How this game is play:

-Each designer will submit an outfit they designed. The outfit you submitted must come with an description of the outfit and hopefully colored, but not required. (Not the following- Stardesign, wig designs, only submit things you drew on paper.)

- Judges/Mentors will choice their favorite. Retailers will choose their favorites. I, your host will consider their favorites and create a top three for the audience to chose the winner of the week.

-Along with choosing a favorite, the mentors and retailers will also choose their least favorite. I will again, consider who they've chosen and I will create a bottom 3. When the bottom three is chosen the mentors will be allowed to save one person from the group, leaving the final decision to the retailers.

The winner of the competition will win the follow:

The title of Stardoll's Fashion Star.


Blog Interviews

& more to reveal at a later date.